I’m Free Tours Sydney

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In a hot tourist destination like Sydney, the tour business is jam packed with operators offering all sorts of tours, whether they be walking tours, cycling tours, or left-handed unicycle tours of haunted city outhouses.  One thing they almost all have in common is that they are expensive, with a basic walking tour usually costing at least AUD$30 and going up from there.  Thus we were both surprised and delighted to find out about the I’m Free tours of Sydney, which is a 3 hour walking tour of the central downtown area, offered for the great price of, you guessed it, free!

Building with clock tower_1280_for_WebOf course, free is actually a bit of a misnomer.  It would be more accurate to call it I’m Whatever Price You See Fit To Pay For This Service Tour, but I guess this was too large to print on a T-shirt.  Riding the recent fad of offering content in a name-your-price manner (such as Radiohead’s release of In Rainbows and the Humble Bundle), this tour is offered purely on a for tips basis.  This means that you could do the whole tour and not pay a cent.  Of course, this would make you a bit of an ass, but it is possible.  Either way, it opens up the possibility of a tour on any budget.  The tour is also given every day at both a morning session and and afternoon session, so there is no reason why you couldn’t (or shouldn’t) take advantage of the opportunity to explore the city with guides to were born and raised there.

Free tours tour guide_1280_for_WebOur tour guide was one of the two people who run the I’m Free tours, and met us right near the centrally located Town Hall station.  With his bright green shirt on, he was hard to miss. The first thing we received was a map of the city which listed a number of museums, attractions, restaurants, and cafes that are either free, or offer great specials for the budget traveler.  This map, in and of itself, had a great amount of value, and is a great addition to the tour as it means we had some great information that we didn’t have to worry about writing down while walking.

We had about 15 – 20 people in our group, which was a good amount, but small enough that we could always get close enough to hear what was being discussed.  We walked through the Queen Victoria Building, saw the beautfiul fountain and cathedral in Hyde Park, and passed by the Rum Hospital before heading to The Rocks district for a quick break. Read more

Weekly pass / Free tour

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この日は、まずBondi Junctionの駅で、My Multi 1のWeekly pass(1週間)を購入しました。


1回バスに乗って支払う金額は、AU$4.30ですので、10回(5往復)乗車するだけでもう元は取れていますので、かなりお得なパスです。更に、公共のフェリーが何度も乗れてしまうので、天気の良い日はフェリーに乗って海からシドニーを眺めてゆっくりクルージング気分を味わえます。ちなみにフェリーは、Circular QuayからManly(beach)までだと往復でAU$13.20、Taronga Zooまで往復AU$10.60です。


*注意1:私達が滞在していた場所は、My Multi 1のチケットで十分な場所でしたが、滞在場所によってはMy Multi 2や3になる場合があり、その場合の値段はもっと値上がると思いますので、計算して安いパスを購入ください。Weeklyパスの他にもSingleチケット(1回乗車チケット)や、Singleチケットが10枚綴りになっているものもあります。

*注意2:シティー内(Town Hall駅からCircular Quayや、Darling Harbour)は、歩けない距離ではないとは思います。シティーの中心では、無料のバスが走っています。疲れたら無料バスに乗って移動もできます。


本日の目的はこちら。(Jet starの雑誌から)


その名も、Santa Fun Runというマラソン大会。

皆サンタの格好をして走るというので、朝早くからDarling Harbourへ。

残念ながら、行ったときはすでに終了寸前で、Santa runではなく、Santa walkが見れました。 Read more

Santa on the Run in Sydney

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Santa Sprint_1280_for_Web

On the morning of the 27th, Santa was running all over Darling Harbor.  In fact, thousands of Santa’s were running as part of the charity Santa Fun Run, which was held right by the water in the harbor area.  We decided to head down to the waterfront to see various St. Nicks prepare for their Christmas rounds by limbering up their hamstrings.  Of course, we were a little bit late to the proceedings, so the Santa run was predominantly a Santa walk by the time we arrived, but it was still facinating to see so many red suits and white beards walking around.  Granted, i was quite happy to be in something more breathable myself, but many kudos to the participants for slugging it out….more or less.

Summer Santa at the fun run_1280_for_WebGekko Santa_1280_for_Web

Fly to Sydney (Australia) / Bondi beach

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オークランドからJet starを利用して2カ国目であるオーストラリア、シドニーへ。空港に夜着いたので、空港でマックを食べ、今日泊まる場所まで急ぐ。

空港からのバスは、意外と安く Read more

Found in Sydney: Slurpee!

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To my American readers, this will not seem particularly amazing, but for someone has spent 7 years looking at the barren wasteland of Slurpee-less 7-11s that exist all over Japan, being able to finally enjoy the frozen joy of this treat, was amazing.  Plus, flavors never before imagined beconning every week!

IMG_1886Slurpee flavor fest_1280_for_Web

I’m particularly a fan of the fact that the pink of the Slurpee seems to be almost richer than that of the printed cup.